Fighting for health of moms and babies
We combine our efforts with expectant parents, doctors, industry and businesses, as well as government agencies to ensure
the best outcomes
for pregnant women and the birth of healthy babies.
Our goal is to raise awareness of the necessity of pregnancy planning and complications prevention. The health of mothers and babies must become a national health policy priority.
We work to reduce the number of pregnancy complications that can be prevented; to inform expectant parents of possible issues and give an action plan in case they occur.
We want the healthcare professionals to feel constant support, be able to grow professionally, and possess all the necessary equipment to provide medical services according to the highest world standards.
We enable national and local governments, funding bodies, and policy makers to make fact based decisions. We advocate for maternity protection, the rights of pregnant women and their babies.
Become our partner in fighting
for the health
of moms and babies!
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